2 Russian Men Boiled Alive After Falling Into Huge Sinkhole

2 men in Penza, Russia, were boiled alive after falling into a sinkhole of scalding hot water that opened up underneath them when they were in their car.

According to reports, the 2 men died instantly after the car fell into the sinkhole in Penza, Russia.

The names of the 2 men were not shared with the public.

According to reports, horrible images of the dead bodies were taken after the incident.

The images showed the dead bodies of the men being lifted from the water by a crane.

Local news agencies report that a hot water pipe that burst under the car park caused the sinkhole to open, which eventually killed the men inside the car.

In Russia, hot water is piped to buildings underground during the severely cold winters.

A person who saw the entire incident said, “What a horrendous way to die – one moment you are driving a car, the next underground drowning in hot water.”

Russian authorities said, “A car fell as a result of the ground collapsing. Sadly, people were killed.”

According to eye-witnesses, a car drove over the same spot before the incident happened. The first driver noticed the ground starting to steam and drove away quickly.

But after the men drove off, these 2 men came and parked on the spot.

The asphalt collapsed under them and they fell down.

Local authorities have started an investigation about the incident, but the locals are slamming the government for the incident.