Lovable Grandfather Updates Facebook Status To ‘My Wife’ and The Reason Will Melt Your Heart 

Lovable Grandfather Updates Facebook Status To 'My Wife' and The Reason Will Melt Your Heart 

This is the week to praise love and sentiment, and keeping in mind that the youngsters are caught up with communicating their affection with roses, chocolate and teddy bears, a post by man’s granddad communicating pure love is becoming famous online.

Twitter user Agha (@Agha_themoiz) tweeted that he set up a Facebook represent his granddad after he got another cell phone as of late and disclosed to him how to explore the application.

So when his granddad set up a status ‘my wife’ on Facebook, the man was left confounded. So he called up his nana and got some information about it. To this, his grandad innocently answered that he was simply responding to Facebook’s inquiry: ‘What’s on Your Mind?’ And since his better half was on his thoughts, he replied with honesty.

The tweet read, ‘I made my Nana his Facebook yesterday and clarified how everything functioned because he got another cell phone. Today I saw his Facebook status “my wife”. I didn’t get him, so I called him and got some information about the status, and he said Facebook ‘puchra tha what’s on your mind, So I said my wife’.

Is this the cutest thing ever for sure? In the hours of roses and teddy bears, what checks more is whether the individual is really thought of by their friends and family.

Netizens just had love to give for this post.

Here is valid and pure love.