More Than 3000 Dogs Slaughtered For Stew At China’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival  

Even after the continuous efforts that have been made by animal rights groups, it has been suggested that more than 3000 dogs have been killed for stew at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China.

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival was invented 9 years ago and is celebrated for 10 days and it starts on June 21 every year.

The Humane Society International handed out a 1.5 million signature to the Chinese Embassy so the horrible dog meat festival can be banned, the petition was handed out before the festival started this year.

Thousands of dogs have lost their lives as they are brutally slaughtered and eaten in the annual festival.

It is believed that most of the dogs in the festival are stolen dogs and are actually pets of fellow Chinese Citizens.

Most dogs are kept in hideous conditions after they are kidnapped.

Wei, a Chinese Activist, is involved in a program that rescues dogs.

During an interview with the Human Society International, Wei said that dogs are “exhausted and panting” in the slaughterhouses where they are brutally slaughtered.

Wei said, “Some were pressing themselves tightly against the wall in an effort not to be noticed. We noticed straight away that some of them were wearing collars, so they were probably stolen, but others looked very sick. We quickly loaded them onto a truck to get them to a temporary shelter.”

The HSI shared images of a number of dogs that had been rescued before the annual festival started this year.

According to Dr. Peter Li, the policy specialist of China for the HIS, “Yulin is a very tense place right now, with dog traders and slaughterhouses on high alert, so it was difficult for these Chinese activists to win the trust of this facility to release the dogs. We commend their efforts to show the world the suffering of these poor animals, and to expose the dog theft that lies behind the dog meat trade.”

Dr. Peter Li added, “These dogs are traumatized and in need of veterinary treatment, but they are the lucky ones because for them at least the horror of Yulin is over. Sadly, thousands more will still die at Yulin, and millions across China, unless decisive action is taken. So we urge the Chinese government to show that it will not tolerate the dog thief gangs who perpetuate this trade, and bring an end to the brutal dog and cat meat trade.”

And according to Keith Guo, a media officer for PETA Asia, said that most dogs are not killed in the slaughterhouses right away.

Keith said that most dogs brutally hit an iron rod on the dogs head and blow-torch them so their coats can be burned. After that, dog traders boil the dogs in hot water.

Keith explained, “Most of the time, the dogs are not killed instantly but are knocked unconscious when the vendors batter them in the head. The dogs wake up when they were being boiled or blow-torched alive. Some of them are slashed in the throat to have the blood drained from the body.”

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