Florida Couple Find Loaded Semi-Automatic Rifle Inside Baby Bouncer They Bought As A Gift At Goodwill
When you’re buying a gift for a baby shower, you want to make sure you are getting the best one for the baby.
Veronica Alvarez-Rodriguez went to a Goodwill shop in Valparaiso, Florida, on Sunday and found 2 gifts for a new addition to their family.
Veronica found a baby bouncer that was still sealed at Goodwill and thought she hit the jackpot.
Later that day, Veronica gave the gift to Amber Rosas and her husband, who loved the gift.
Rosas and her partner took the bouncer out from the box, but instead, they found a Mossberg 715T Semi-Automatic rifle that was loaded.
The husband of Rosas was in the military, and she said they knew what kind of rifle it was when the opened the box.
Rosas said, “All of our husbands are military, there were five soldiers around, so they knew what kind of gun it was right away.”
Veronica, the person who bought the gift, said she did not open the gift in the store because it was taped.
Veronica explained, “All the questions from people at the party started coming in, and everyone was just laughing.”
The family then called the police after finding the rifle.
The police confirmed that it was indeed a .22 caliber rifle.
The police inspected the gun, checked Rosas and her husband’s IDs to make sure they were not involved in any felony charges.
The couple was later told they can keep the rifle.
An investigation has been launched to find the real owner of the semi-automatic rifle.