Pope Francis Is Offering Free Coronavirus Tests And Treatment Homeless People
We are all the children of God.
Pope Francis, the head of the Vatican Church, is currently welcoming the homeless people to the Vatican to undergo free coronavirus tests.
Not only that, but Pope Francis is also making sure that they will have access to further treatment in case they test positive.
The initiative was announced recently during the Roman Catholic Church’s annual World Day of the Poor initiative.
The initiative was launched in 2017 to bring attention to the people that are in need of help.
However this year, activities were massively reduced this year because of this coronavirus pandemic.
But this year, the scheme allows the Vatican to allow 50 people undergo coronavirus testing.
Homeless people in Rome will be able to have swabs taken at a clinic that is located by St. Peter’s Square.
This is not the first time the Pope has done something like this.
A couple of years ago, the Pope set up to provide basic medical care to those that live on the streets.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella said that testing was already launched and will be doing it more.
The homeless people have been taking part in the initiative and will be getting to receive help after the swabs have been taken.
People that test negative in the test are given a certificate to enter a shelter while people that test positive are directed to further treatment to make sure that they are fine.
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