Customer With A Golden Heart Buys 1 Beer And Leaves $3000 Tip For Entire Staff

Just wanted to help in rough times.

A mystery man from Cleveland, Ohio, is currently viral on social media right now for helping out and doing good things during times like these.

The customer reportedly bought 1 beer and left a massive $3000 tip.

I mean, how good can you be in life?

Brendan Ring, the owner of Nighttown, which is located in Cleveland Heights, said that a customer came during brunch on Sunday.

That was the last day before the business due to close for a second time amidst this coronavirus pandemic.

The man ordered a single Stella Artois beer.

The man reportedly handed his bill to Ring and told him to split the tip amongst the entire staff.

Ring said that he was initially shocked to see that the man had written a $300 tip for his $7 bill.

After putting on his glasses, the owner realized that the tip was actually $3000.

Not all heroes wear capes, some just want to help out the kind ones.

The owner said that the tip will come as a big help to his staff, who are facing 6 to 8 weeks of Nighttown being closed.

Ring, the owner of the place, said that their business used to open through the entire year, and only closed during Christmas day.

He decided to shut down the business during this pandemic to help the government tackle the spread of the coronavirus.

Such a good thing to do!

What are your thoughts about the massive tip? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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