TOSS 10th Inter Hall Ticket 2018 @ telanganaopenschool.org- Telangana TS Open School SSC Intermediate Admit Card Download
Telangana Open School Society (TOSS) is going to conduct 10th Class SSC inter examination in the month of April/ may 2018. All the candidates who have applied for the SSC inter main exams can attend the exams from April 17th, 2018 to may 1st 2018. The Candidates who had applied are searching for the TOSS SSC inter admit card or Hall Ticket as it is the crucial document to carry for the examination and contains all the details regarding exam venue, roll number etc. TOSS released 10th SSC inter exam Hall Tickets. the Candidates can get the admit card from the direct link provided below.
TOSS 10th Class SSC Hall Ticket 2018:
The Telangana Open School shall provide ample access to sustainable learner-centric quality education, skill up gradation and training to learners by using innovative technologies and methodologies of Open and Distance Learning (ODL). It conducts various examinations for all the students every year. This year it is going to conduct SSC Supply exams and the candidates who had applied can download admit card from the official website.
Telangana Open School released 10th Class SSC inter regular or main examination Admit Card 2018. The Candidates who had applied for the regular examinations can appear for the exams by downloading the hall tickets from the direct link provided below. the particular candidates will not be allowed to write the exam in the absence of the admit card.
Category: Admit Card 2018
Name of the Organization: Telangana Open School Society (TOSS)
Name of the Exam: SSC inter
Date of the Exam: April 17th, 2018 to may 1st 2018
Admit Card status: Released
Release date of admit card: 1 week from the date of examination.
Steps to Download TOSS 10th Class SSC inter Admit Card 2018:
- Visit the official website or portal from the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on Telangana Open SSC inter Admit Card 2018.
- Select your district, Select your school and enter your name.
- Click on submit button.
- The admit card will display on the screen.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.