TS POLYCET 2018 Hall Ticket @ polycetts.nic.in – Download Telangana Polytechnic Entrance Admit Card Soon
Telangana state board of technical education and training is all set to release the admit cards for the entrance examination of POLYCET 2018 which is scheduled on 24th April 2018. many of the interested candidates have been applied for the entrance test POLYCET 2018. The candidates who have applied for the examination can download the admit cards from the official website or portal from the link given below.
The Telangana state polytechnic entrance test is the admission test for entry to the diploma courses in engineering/ non- engineering courses will be able to download the admit cards of the POLYCET examination on the official website very shortly. The POLYCET examination will be conducted at many centres across the state of Telangana.
The aspirants who have been applied for the entrance examination can download the admit card for the concerned entrance test, POLYCET 2018 from the official website and also the official website link which is provided below.
CATEGORY: admit cards 2018
NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION: Telangana state board
NAME OF THE EXAMINATION: Telangana state polytechnic entrance test 2018
The POLYCET examination will be conducted for 2 hours consisting of only one paper as per the syllabus in the subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry of 10th standard ( S.S.C ) examination that is held in March or April of 2018 as prescribed by the board of secondary education in Telangana state.
The question paper consists of 120 questions with a choice of four multiple questions and one correct answer among them for each question.
60 questions in mathematics for 60 marks.
30 questions in physics for 30 marks.
30 questions in chemistry for 30 marks.
How To Download TS POLYCET 2018 Hall Ticket?
- Open the official website from the link given below.
- On the home page, click on the admit cards link.
- Enter the registration number and date of birth and submit.
- The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Save or download and take print out of the admit cards for further use.
NOTE: the candidates will not be allowed into the exam hall in the absence of admit card. So, the aspirants are advised to take the admit cards along with them.
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