Student Makes Special Transparent Face Masks For Deaf People
As the world is facing shortages of protective face masks, some people are taking matters into their own hands.
While officials are only asking people to wear facemasks if they have symptoms of the virus, many are wearing them outside to protect themselves.
However, one noticed that the face masks were not catering to the needs of the deaf and those people that are hard of hearing.
Deaf people rely heavily on lip-reading, which is next to impossible when people have clothes covering their mouths.
Ashley Lawrence, a 21-year-old student, took the matters into her own hands and decided to make her own masks that can accommodate lip-reading.
With the help of her mother, Ashley made her own batch of protective gear.
The specialized masks of Ashley have a small transparent window that allows deaf people to read the lips of the people that they are talking to.
Ashley, who studies Deaf Education at Eastern Kentucky University, posted the design on Facebook.
While sharing the amazing product on Facebook, Ashley said, “Because of the shortage of masks, everyone started making their own, so I thought why not make them for all? This is how we stay healthy.”
Not only that, but Ashley also did what many people were not expecting.
The woman decided to give them away for free.
If that’s not enough, Ashley decided to teach people how to make their own transparent masks at their houses.
She added, “I am completely overwhelmed with the love you have all given these masks. We’ve updated the pattern for the mask to be easier to make. We’d love for you to make some or send you the pattern to make some.”
The American Sign Language heavily relies on lip reading, and with masks on, it can be extremely hard for the deaf to have conversations.