Happy Baisakhi 2020 Images, HD Wallpapers, Ultra-HD Photos, 3D Photographs, And 4K Pictures For WhatsApp Story, Instagram, Messenger, Facebook, And iMessage
Vaisakhi, which is also known as Baisakhi, is a historical and religious festival in the religion of Sikhism. Vaisakhi 2020 is celebrated annually on April 13 or April 14, which also commemorates the formation of the Khalsa Panth, the warriors of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in the year 1699.
The story of the Baisakhi Festival began with the martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur JI, the ninth Sikh Guru, who was publicly beheaded by Aurungzeb, the Mughal ruler.
In 1699 Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth guru of the Sikhism religion chose Vaisakhi as the occasion to transform the Sikh followers into a family of soldier saints, which are known as the Khalsa Panth.