Happy Bhogi Pongal 2020 Pictures, HD Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, High-Quality Photograph, 4K Pictures, And UHD Images With Messages For WhatsApp, Instagram, FB, Facebook Story, Twitter, Snapchat, WeChat, iMessage, And Viber

Bhogi is the first day of the 4-day Makarsankranti festival. According to the Gregorian Calendar, the Bhogi is celebrated on January 13 each year. The Bhogi 2020 festival is celebrated by almost everyone in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.

On the day of Bhogi, people discard old and derelict things and tell us to concentrate on new things that cause change or transformation. On the evening of this day, people light a bonfire with logs of wood and other solid-fuel at their home. The woods that they use for the bonfire are from furniture or old materials that they think are not in use. The disposal of derelict things is where all old habits, vices, attachments to relations, and material things are sacrificed in the fire of the knowledge of Rudra, which is also known as “Rudra Gita Jnana Yajna”. The fire symbolizes the realization, transformation, and purification of the soul.

Usually, Bhogi is celebrated the day preceding Makar Sankranti. Many reports suggest that Buddha died in Bhogi Pongal at the time when Buddhism was being practiced all over India.

On this day, people also send messages, greetings, images, and sweets t their loved ones. To greet everyone on Pongal, we bring you images with messages!

Happy Bhogi Pongal Pictures, HD Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, High-Quality Photograph, 4K Pictures, And UHD Images

Happy Bhogi Pongal 2020 Pictures, HD Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, High-Quality Photograph, 4K Pictures, And UHD Images With Messages

Happy Bhogi Pongal 2020 Pictures, HD Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, High-Quality Photograph, 4K Pictures, And UHD Images With Messages For WhatsApp, Instagram, FB, Facebook Story, Twitter, Snapchat, WeChat, iMessage, And Viber