Happy Deepavali 2019 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages, Greetings, Texts, Group Chat Messages, And Status For WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, IMO, Messenger, Twitter, And WeChat In Hindi And English
Happy Deepavali 2019: Diwali is also known as the festival of lights, this celebration is considered as the most celebrated day in India. No matter what religion you have, you celebrate this day with all Indians in the country. On this day, people light up candles to symbolize how light can defeat darkness. On this day, the well living Indians give out to the poor and help them in life. Diwali 2019 is going to be celebrated on October 27, 2019, on this day, people are going to do puja’s, eat sweets, and thank god for everything he has done for their families.
In order to make sure everyone in your family knows you’re celebrating Diwali this year, make sure you send them the following messages!
Happy Deepavali Messages, Greetings, And Texts For WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, IMO, Messenger, Twitter, And WeChat In Hindi
Deepawali ke subh awasar pe yaad aapki aaye, Shabd shabd jhod kar deta tumhe badhai.
श्री राम आपके घर में सुख की बारिश करें,
माता लक्ष्मी आपके धन-धान्य से परिपूर्ण करें,
और दीप की रौशनी आपके घर से दुःख-कष्ट को दूर करे –
दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं 2019
दीपावली है दीपों का त्यौहार,
घर लाये आपके सुख, समृद्धि और प्यार,
Happy Deewali 2019
हर दम खुशियाँ रहे साथ,
कभी दामन ना हो खाली,
बस इसी दुआ के साथ हम सब की तरफ से,
आपको Happy Diwali 2019
रोशन हो दीपक और सारा जग जगमगाए,
लिए साथ सीता मैया, श्री साम आयें,
हर शहर और गाँव लगे अयोध्या हो,
और हर गली, द्वार पर हम दीप जलाएं.
लक्ष्मी आएँगी इतनी की सब जगह नाम होगा,
दिन रात व्यापार बढे, इतना अधिक काम होगा,
घर परिवार समाज में करोगे राज,
यही कामना है हमारी आपके लिए आज,
दीपवाली 2019 की ढेरों शुभकामनायें !
Diye ki roshni se sab andhera dur ho jaye,
Dua h ki jo chaho wo khusi manjur ho jaye. Happy Diwali!!
खूब मीठे मीठे पकवान खाएं,
सेहत मैं चार चाँद लगायें,
लोग तो सिर्फ चाँद तक गए हैं ,
आप उस से भी ऊपर जाएँ ,
दीवाली की शुभकामनायें
लक्ष्मी आएगी इतनी की सब जगह नाम होगा,
दिन रात व्यपार बड़े इतना अधिक काम होगा,
घर परिवार समाज मैं बनोगे सरताज,
ये ही कामना है हमारी आप के लिए
*दीवाली की ढेरो शुभकामनाएं*
दीये से दीये को जला कर दीप माला बनाओ ,
अपने घर आंगन को रौशनी से जगमगाओ,
आप और आप के परिवार की दीवाली शुभ और मंगलमय हो ,
** शुभ दीवाली **
जगमग थाली सजाओ,मंगल दीपो को जलाओ,
अपने घरों और दिलों मैं आशा की किरण जगाओ ,
खुशियाँ और समृधि से भरा हों आपका जीवन,
इसी कामना के साथ शुभ दीपावली
है रौशनी का त्यौहार, लाये हर चेहरे पर मुस्कान,
सुख और समृधि की बहार ,समेट लो सारी खुशियाँ,
अपनों का साथ और प्यार.
इस पावन अवसर पर आप सभी को दीवाली का प्यार..
Happy Deepavali 2019 HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Images, 4K Photographs, And High-Quality Photos For WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, Viber, iMessages, And WeChat
Happy Deepavali Wishes, Quotes, Group Chat Messages, And Status For WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, IMO, Messenger, Twitter, And WeChat In English
“May this Diwali, Come up with Beautiful Beginning, Fresh Hope, Bright Days and New Dreams. Wishing You a Happy Diwali”
“May the Festival of Lights, Full Your Life with the Glow of Happiness and the Sparkle of Joy.”
“Wishing that this Diwali brings prosperity to your business and more opportunities for us to work together!”
“May the lights of Diwali Diyas fill your home with wealth, happiness, and everything that Brings You Joy! Wish you and your entire family a very very Happy Diwali!”
You are so far, fresh Mithai can’t reach you but fresh wishes can – Happy Diwali!
Look at the bright side of life and forget the dark agonies surrounding it. Have a safe and blessed Diwali!!
May this Deepawali your home gets filled with happiness, and may the coming year brings joy to you and family. Happy Diwali!
Diwali is an occasion to celebrate the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and awareness over ignorance. I wish you and your family health, peace and happiness. May God always keep you in his list of blessed ones. Happy Diwali!
May you get rockets of smiles, parachutes of prosperity, sparklers of joy, and fountains of peace. May the atmosphere around you remain filled with the spirit of mirth and love. Have a bombastic Diwali!
May these fireworks burn away all our troubles, problems and sorrows, and may these light up our life with happiness, joy, and peace this wonderful Diwali.
May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your
Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness, and Good Health.
May this festival of lights bring brightness into your lives and bring happiness, joy, and prosperity for you and your family.
We don’t have the right to pollute the mother earth, because we borrowed it from our forefathers and will have to hand over it to our successors.
I wish that the only time there is darkness around you is when you are watching your favorite movie or sleeping peacefully.
With the shining of diyas and the echoes of the chants, may prosperity and happiness of this festival of lights fill our lives.
Wishing you a Happy Diwali glowing with peace, joy, and prosperity!
With lamps and lights we bring more light to remove darkness;
May the happiness, that this brings brighten your life.
Another side we litter things and burn loads of crackers on festivals like Diwali and destroy mother earth in the name of celebration and fun. We have misunderstood.
Let me make your Diwali more colorful with the lights of wishes of my heart.
A warm Diwali wishes for every happiness. May the warmth and splendor that are a part of this auspicious occasion fill your life with happiness and bright cheer and bring you joy and prosperity, for the whole year.