Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 Images, HD Pictures, High-Quality Photographs, 4K Wallpapers, And HQ Photos For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Each year, women in India celebrate Karwa Chauth in order to wish long life for their husband. Married women are the ones that celebrate this day and they do this by offering their prayers to Lord Shiva and his family, which include Lord Ganesha, the famous God in India who has an elephant head. But this year, things will be a little different, so try to stay safe and keep everyone in your family happy and safe by sending out the best Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 Images, HD Pictures, High-Quality Photographs, 4K Wallpapers, And HQ Photos For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger to your friends and family members that matter the most for you.

Read More: Happy Karva Chauth 2020 Greetings And Messages In English HD Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, High-Quality Photos, 4K Pictures, And Photographs For WhatsApp, Instagram, And Facebook
What Is Karwa Chauth?

Karwa Chauth is a type of fasting that is carried out during the Krishna Paksha Chaturthi in the Hindu month of Kartik. According to Amanta, a calendar that is followed in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Southern India, the Karwa Chauth falls in the month of Kartik.

Karwa Chauth also falls in the same date with the Sankashti Chaturthi, a fasting day that is observed for Ganesha/Ganesh Ji. The fasting of Karwa Chauth and its rituals are only followed by married women and women that are enganged with someone. They pray on this day for the long life of their loved ones, especially their fiancés and husbands.

Married women worship Lord Shiva and his family, which includes Lord Ganesh Ji. They only break the fast after sighting and making the offerings to the moon. The fasting of Karwa Chauth is strict and is observed by takers by not drinking any water, even their own saliva, and by not eating any food.

They do this from sunrise until they see the moon in the evening.

Karwa Chauth is also known by many as Karak Chaturthi. On this day, Karwa or Karak, means to the earthen pot through which water offering, which is known as Argha, is made to the moon.

Karwa Chauth is more popular in cities and districts in North India and along in states that are known to follow the religion of Hinduism.

Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 Images For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 HD Pictures For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 High-Quality Photographs For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 4K Wallpapers For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 HQ Photos For Instagram, WhatsApp, DP, Facebook, And Messenger

Happy Karwa Chauth  Images, HD Pictures, High-Quality Photographs, 4K Wallpapers, And HQ Photos For WhatsApp Status

Again, AIR greets you and your loved ones a Happy Karwa Chauth 2020 and we hope you will be practicing social distancing guidelines when you are trying to break your fasting.