Happy Onam 2019 Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, 4k Images, High-Quality Photographs, And HD Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, And Instagram
Happy Onam is celebrated every year in Kerala, India, so people could celebrate the Harvest Festival. The Happy Onam 2019 falls on the 22nd Nakshatra Thiruvonam in the Malayalam Calendar month of Chingam, which falls on the months of August or September in the Gregorian Calendar.
The harvest festival is celebrated each year to commemorate King Mahabali, whose spirit is said to have visited Kerala at the time of Onam.
Onam is considered as a huge annual event for the Malayali people living in Kerala and all Malayali people living around the world.
Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2019 Greetings, Wishes, SMS, Messages, Status in Malayalam For WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, And Instagram
The harvest festival is considered as one of the holiest Hindu Celebrations along with Vishu and Thiruvathira. The celebrations during the Onam includes Vallam Kali, Pulikali, Pookakalam, Onathappan, Onam Kali, Tug of War, Thullal, Kummatikali, Onathalu, Onavillu, Kazhchakkula, Onapottan, Atthachamayan, and many more.
This year, the Onam will start on Sunday 1 September and will end on Friday 13 September. Dates vary on the location you live in.
Happy Onam 2019 Images, HD Pictures, And Ultra-HD Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, And Instagram
Happy Onam 2019 3D Photos, 4k Images, And High-Quality Photographs For Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, And Instagram
Happy Onam 2019 Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 3D Photos, 4k Images, High-Quality Photographs, And HD Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, And Instagram
We Greet Everyone With Happy Onam 2019!