Indian Couple Murder Their Daughters With Trident To Appease “Supernatural Forces”
A couple from India have been arrested for torturing and murdering their daughters in order to appease the supernatural forces.
Padmaja Naidu, 50, and Purushottam, her husband, killed their daughters.
The incident happened in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India.
The couple told the police that they received a “divine message” to sacrifice their daughters.
The incident came to light after locals heard strange noises coming from the house of the family. On the evening of Sunday.
Authorities were called to the scene and the bodies of 27-yearold Alekhya and 22-year-old Sai Divya were found inside the house.
One of the bodies was found in the prayer room of the house and the other one was in another part of the house.
The parents stabbed them with a trident before beating them to death with dumbbells.
Madanapalle Deputy Superintendent of Police Ravi Manohara Chari released a statement about the incident, saying:
The family members had been behaving strangely since the outbreak of Covid-19. They used to remain confined to their house for most of the time. The couple seems to be highly superstitious as they asked us to keep the bodies in the house for a day claiming that their daughters would come back to life.
The police later added that Padmaja and Purushottam Naidu were in a state of trance when the authorities arrested them.
They later told the police officers that their daughters are going to come back to life after some time.
The family are known to pray regularly and before the killings, they prayed together.
The father works as a deputy head teacher, said reports.
The couple are currently under observation and the authorities are now trying to decided if a mental health evaluation should be carried out.
Alekhya worked as a forest officer and was preparing for the civil service examination.
Sia Divya was studying at a local music school.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and the victims, may their souls rest in peace.