NASA Is Currently Targeting Asteroid Worth Over $8,000 Quadrillion With Hopes Of Making Every Human A Billionaire
A massive iron asteroid that was probably once the core of a planet could make everyone on our planet a billionaire.
16 Psyche, an asteroid, is so unique and valuable that it is worth over $8,000 quadrillion.
But the big problem is that we need to mine this asteroid.
If humans find a way to mine the asteroid and retrieve the iron that it has, it could make every man, woman, and child on the planet a billionaire.
Bringing the asteroid to our planet is something that is impossible to do, that’s why there is another plan.
NASA is currently partnering up with Space X, the company of Elon Musk, for a mission to land a probe on the asteroid.
The asteroid that we are talking about is 10 miles wide and is believed to be the core of a planet that was smashed into pieces in a gigantic cosmic collision that happened few billions of years ago.
We do not have the capabilities or technology that would help us drill down to our own core, this is why this asteroid is really important.
On July 2022, a mission will be set to launch.
It will take 4 years for a probe to reach 16 Psyche, which is 324 million miles away.
The mining that will be done at the asteroid will be used to send ships between Mars and Jupiter.
Phil Metzger, a former NASA Engineer, said:
The solar system can support a billion times greater industry than we have on Earth. When you go to vastly larger scales of civilisation, beyond the scale that a planet can support,” he says, “then the types of things that civilisation can do are incomprehensible to us … We would be able to promote healthy societies all over the world at the same time that we would be reducing the environmental burden on the Earth.
Just image everyone in this world becoming a billionaire!
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