14-Year-Old Boy Cries After Family Surprise Him At School With His Lost Dog
I’m not crying, you are!
A video that is viral on social media right now shows a boy crying at their school after his family surprised him with his dog.
The family, who are from New York, were left devastated after realizing that they have lost their dog.
The family said that they love Piper, their 2-year-old pug, but he went missing a couple of weeks ago and they were really affected, especially the little one in their family.
The dog was adopted and they have a special bond with them.
The family said that they opened the door for the dog one day so they could go out and pee, but after opening it, the dog was gone.
April, the mother of the family, did something that the family does when the dog wants to go to the bathroom.
A couple of hours passed by, and Piper, the dog, was nowhere to be located.
The family started to get worried, but the dog did not return that day.
The family hung posters all over the town and even shared images of Piper on every social media platform, but no one really got to help because the dog was nowhere to be found at that time.
The absence of the dog took a toll on the health of Carter, the eldest son.
The dog had a special bond with Carter, and when the dog went missing, the boy started to become sick and depressed.
Luckily, things turned around pretty fast.
1 month after the dog went missing, the Licata family got the phone call that they have all been waiting for.
The Genesee County Animal Shelter contacted the family after they got hold of a dog that matched the description of Piper.
The family canceled all their plans and rushed down to the shelter to see if the dog is Piper.
After getting to the shelter, they were over the moon after realizing that the dog was indeed Piper.
The dog was also delighted to see his family.
According to reports, the dog wagged its tail, kissed the family members, and was in clear joy after seeing them.
The best part about this story is still to come, so hold on folks, we are about to go on an emotional roller coaster ride.
The only one in the family that did not know about the reunion was Carter, who was out of town on a school trip.
When the boy came back, the family decided to surprise him and reunite him with his long-lost dog.
The entire thing was caught on cam and the rest is history.