8-Year-Old Colorado Boy Attacked By Mountain Lion While Playing Outside His House

Denver: An 8-year-old boy sustained severe injuries after a mountain lion attacked him outside his house when he was playing.

Pike Carlson, the 8-year-old boy was jumping on a trampoline with his brother on Wednesday evening when he heard 1 of his friends calling him from another house.

When the boy ran towards the house of his friend, a mountain lion pounced on him and bit him on his head.

When the little boy shouted, his brother shouted for help and went inside his house to tell his father about the incident.

The father ran out of their house and saw his son trapped beneath the lion.

As the dad ran towards the 8-year-old boy, the lion ran away and left the kid alone.

The father then called 911. Emergency responders took the minor to a hospital nearby, where he was kept for one night.

Park officials arrived on the scene after they were informed about the lion attack. They set up traps to find and trap the lion.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife said they brought in 3 dogs to track the lion and to do the home search.

Mark Lamb, the Manager of the Area Wildlife, said, “By policy, any wildlife attack on a human resulting in injury, that animal must be put down. The kid was running and it probably triggered the lions natural response to a prey animal running.”

The lion was roaming free until September 5, 2019.

Earlier this week, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife revealed that they got a call from a landowner, who said his goat was missing and he saw 2 lions roaming around.

Officials responded to the call and saw the mountain lion.

Authorities said the mountain lion fit the description of the lion from the attack.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirmed that the mountain lions were euthanized.

In a statement that was released, Colorado Parks and Wildlife said, “We believe that one of these two lions is from the attack Wednesday night. We say that because of the proximity and that they fit the description of the lion reported to us from the attack. A necropsy will now take place of the mountain lions at our health lab before being sent to a Forensic Lab in Wyoming for DNA analysis. That is how we would be able to confirm with absolute certainty that we got the mountain lion from the attack.”

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