Massive 18ft Crocodile Died After Swallowing Fishing Nets
2 fishermen were left completely in shock after discovering the dead body of an 18ft crocodile.
It is said that the crocodile died from swallowing fishing nets.
The crocodile’s carcass was found at Flag Boshielo Dam near the town of Marble Hall in the South African province of Limpopo.
Rikus Muller, a fisherman, talked about the discovery with Newsflash, a news agency.
In the statement that he released, he said:
We were fishing on Saturday, October 10 when we noticed something floating in the water and realized it was a crocodile’s hind leg.
The pair then turned around the boat to take a look at the object.
They realized that it was dead because it was not moving at all.
The fishermen wanted to investigate and know the exact cause of its death.
Because it was dark, they turned back home and returned to the scene a day after the incident.
Muller took a picture of one of the crocodile’s feet to compare against his hand, he shared the pictures afterward.
Muller sent the pictures to Martin Theunissen, a friend.
Martin went to the scene with Muller the next day and found the crocodile corpse.
Muller went on:
We found it and dragged it to shore with the boat to take some photos. Afterwards we dragged it back into the dam so that nature could take its course.
Muller later said that experts examined and revealed that the crocodile had a number of fishing nets in its stomach.