Rejected By Herd: Orphaned Baby Elephant Returns To Her Carer’s Lap After She Was Released Into The Wild

A heart-warming moment was caught on cam when a baby elephant returned to the lap of her carer days after being released into the wild after she was rejected by her own herd.

Chabakewa, the 2-year-old elephant, was found trapped alone in mud in Bueng Kan in northeastern Thailand on April 4, 2019.

The baby was rescued and was cared by a carer.

After 5 hands of being cared, the department decided to release the baby back into the wild on September 18, 2019.

But on September 20, 2019, the officers found out that the elephant was abandoned again.

She was brought back into care.

But what shocked everyone was how the abandoned elephant reacted when she saw her parent.

The footage shows Chabakeaw curled up in the lap of her human parent, as she gets ready to take a nap.

According to reports, the abandoned elephant was feeling secure, safe, and comfortable with her rescuer.

Pichet Noonto, an elephant specialist who works with the IUCN Species Survival Commission, said the problem with Chabakeaw is that she has a hard time blending into the herd as she was abandoned when she was just a baby.

Explaining her behavior, Pichet said, “We believe that she was not accepted by the herd leader which is a consequence of her being raised by humans for over five months. She would have had difficulty adapting to the elephant behavior in the wild and been kicked away. We will take care of her while we plan her future, but sending her back to the herd again might not be one of the options.”

I’m not crying, you are!

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