South Florida Man Donated 100 Gallons Of Blood In Over 43 Years, Saves 864 Lives

A 73-year-old South Florida man has saved 864 lives in over 43 years, thanks to the massive blood donations he did, which tallies to nearly 100 gallons of blood.

James Michelini, the 73-year-old man, has donated blood and blood platelets for over 43 years.

TCPalm reports that he has donated 100 gallons of blood, which has helped save the lives of 864 people.

Yep, we know, the numbers are pretty huge.

James, who is from Port St. Lucie, goes to OneBlood donation in Stuart, Florida, every other Wednesday to donate blood platelets.

During an interview with TCPalm, Michelini said, “I went down there one day, on my first time, and for some reason I just kept going.”

Michelini added, “It turned into my job, going every couple of weeks and donating.”

He continued, “I didn’t think I’d make it (to 100 gallons).”

The blood donation journey of Michelini started in 1976, when he was still living in Connecticut.

He initially set a goal of 10 gallons, but he later passed that milestone again in 2006, when he donated a total of 35 gallons.

A pint of blood is capable of saving up to 3 lives, while a platelet donation is generally limited to one patient.

100 gallons of blood are equivalent to saving 864 lives.

Talking about his donations, Michelini said, “That’s hundreds of people who have been affected,”

Michelini said donating blood feels good.

He added, “Like you’re a little bit of a lifesaver. I’m going to continue as long as I’m healthy.”

Folks, not all heroes wear capes!

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