Manabadi.co.in Manabadi Inter Supply Results 2015 1st 2nd yr bie.telangana.gov.in results.cgg.gov.in
Manabadi.co.in Manabadi Inter Supply Results 2015 1st 2nd yr bie.telangana.gov.in results.cgg.gov.in: Telangana State Intermediate Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is all set to declare the Intermediate Advanced Supplementary 1st and 2nd year examination results today as on 26th June 2015 around 12 noon. TS Intermediate Advanced Supplementary exams which wear conducted in the month of May & June 2015. The students who have appeared for the Intermediate 1st and 2nd Year Advanced Supplementary exam are searching for results from last two weeks. But due to the some issues the Telangana board not issued the supplementary results 2015. All those candidates who appeared for TS Junior/Senior Intermediate General & Vocational Supply Exams are advised to check Telangana Inter 1st and 2nd Year Supplementary Results 2015 from the official website or from the direct link provided below.
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Telangana TG Inter 1st and 2nd Year Supplementary Results 2015:
Telangana Board of Intermediate Education is also known as Telangana BIE has successfully conducted between May 25th to June 1st for both first and second year students at various examination canters across Telangana State. A huge number of students appeared for TS 1st and 2nd Intermediate Advanced supply Exams 2015. All those candidates who are eagerly waiting for Telangana Intermediate 1st and 2nd Year Advanced Supplementary Results 2015 are advised to log on to the official website of the BIE Telangana to access their Telangana inter supply results online. The TS Intermediate Advanced Supplementary valuation process has completed, TS Intermediate 1st and 2nd year advanced supplementary examination results will be released on today as on 26th June by 12 noon by Telangana board Officials at Telangana Board Office.
The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education was established to regulate and supervise the system of Intermediate education in the state of Telangana and to specify the courses of study and matters. The Board of Intermediate Education promotes the vision of world-class education in Telangana through quality leadership, support, and services.
It aims at continuous improvement of education in the State. The BIE regulates and supervises the system of Intermediate education. It executes and governs various activities that include devising of courses of study, prescribing syllabus, conducting examinations, granting affiliations to colleges and, providing direction, support and leadership for all educational institutions under its jurisdictio.
TS Inter 1st and 2nd Year Advanced Supply Results 2015 By SMS:
The students who have appeared for the Telangana Board of Intermediate Advanced Supplementary 1st and 2nd year Exams have the option to get their results on their mobile phones through the SMS service. Candidates can receive their results on their mobile phones by following the steps given below:
To get TS Inter 1st Year Supply Results 2015 on Mobile through SMS:
Type TSJIS ROLL NUMBER – Send it to 5 67 67 999.
All the candidates who have appeared for this Telangana Board of Intermediate Advanced Supplementary 1st and 2nd year Exams and eagerly waiting to know their results follow the below mentioned steps to check TG Inter Supply exams Results from the official website.
How to Check TS Inter 1st and 2nd Year Advanced Supply Results 2015?
- Visit the Official site of bie.telangana.gov.in or open the direct link provided below.
- Search for “Telangana Intermediate 1st/2nd Year Adv Supply May/june 2015 Exam Results” link on the home page.
- Enter your Hall Ticket Number & click on submit button.
- Your results will be displayed on the screen.
- Take a print out of it for future use.
ClicK Here: To Check TS Inter 1st and 2nd year Adv Supply Results 2015
Results will be available today @12.30 P.M. You can check your Telangana Intermediate 1st and 2nd Year Adv Supply May/june 2015 Exam Results from the official website of BIE Telangana directly.