New Apollo 10 Declassified Tapes Reveal Astronauts Heard Strange Music From The Far Side Of The Moon

The dark side of the moon has always held a mystical fascination for stargazers. Astronauts on Apollo 10 reveal in a series of newly released audio tapes from the mission that they heard mysterious and unexplainable ‘music’ coming from the far side of the moon. This incident dates back to the 60s, when Apollo astronauts orbited the moon two months before Neil Armstrong’s famous 1969 landing.

Recently unearthed recordings made by NASA of the journey, which took the Apollo 10 capsule around the far side of the moon, show the astronauts reacting with surprise and confusion to an unearthly howling noise in their headsets.

Mission transcripts reveal the three men talking about the noises and discussing what to do, but do not identify who was speaking.

One of the crew says: “You hear that? That whistling sound? Whoooooo!”

“It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music,” another replies.

Later, one says: “I tell you, that music is really weird.”

“No one will believe us,” replies a colleague.

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