11-Year-Old Boy Finds 11 Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs In Guangdong Province, China

An 11-year-old boy from Heyuan, Guangdong Province of China was just playing near a lake when he discovered a nest of fossilized dinosaur eggs.

At first, the 11-year-old boy thought that they were dinosaur eggs, but he was unsure, and when he brought them to an expert, it turned out that he was right all along and made a huge discovery.

Experts said that there are 11 9cm big eggs that are nearly 66 million years old.

The experts said that the dinosaur eggs belonged to the late Cretaceous period.

Zhang Yangzhe, the 11-year-old boy, said that he was just trying to find something that could open his walnuts when he came across the special looking rock.

Zhang said that he called his mother right away after he saw that there were circles on the “special” looking rock.

During an interview with the local press, Zhang said, “I thought it was a cement circle at first. Later, I asked my mum to look at it and thought that the shell was like a dinosaur egg.”

Zhang said that he realized that they were dinosaur eggs after he saw similar eggs at a museum.

He added, “I have learned this knowledge in the books and in the cultural corridor of the school. I have seen it in museums. Different dinosaur eggs have different shapes.”

Li Xiaofang, the mother of 11-year-old Zhang, said that her son loves science and owns a number of dinosaur books.

The mother called the authorities after spotting the special looking rocks.

Li, the mother, said that she stood over the eggs until the authorities arrived at their location.

Researchers from the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum were brought in the scene, who confirmed that the eggs that were found were indeed dinosaur eggs.

They are currently excavating the fossilized eggs from the site.

This is not the first time that someone managed to find dinosaur eggs in the Heyuan City of China.

In 2015, local workmen found 43 fossilized eggs in the city.

As of now, more than 17,000 fossilized eggs have been found in the city alone. The Heyuan Dinosaur Museum is currently the largest collection holder of dinosaur eggs in the world. They have over 10,000 eggs.

The eggs that were found by Zhang were brought in the museum afterward.

Researchers from the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum said that they will be conducting tests that will determine the type of eggs that were found by the 11-year-old boy.

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