13-Year-Old Chinese Teenager Who Stole 2 Planes For Joyride Gets Flying Lesson Offers  

A 13-year-old Chinese kid decided to sneak inside an airport and steal two planes that he took for a joyride. The kid has been detained and has been fined by the local authorities, but this does not end here.

An academy has offered the 13-year-old teenager an opportunity to learn how to fly an actual plane.

The 13-year-old Chinese teenager, whose identity has not been revealed, managed to sneak inside an airport in Huzhou City, a city located in the Zhejiang Province of China.

A CCTV footage shows the 13-year-old kid driving the plane and crashing it into a guardrail.

The kid then changes planes, GTA style, and taxis around the airport before leaving it again.

The entire incident has gone viral in China, especially in Weibo, which is like the twitter of China, after its footage was released to the public.

According to a report that was released by the Global Times, the 13-year-old teenager caused damages in the airport worth 8,000 yuan.

Luckily, the 13-year-old kid got out without getting hurt.

During an interview with Pear News, the director of the airport said that the child is clever and added that “it is impossible to learn by observation alone”.

The airport has also offered the 13-year-old teenager flying lessons.

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