Army Dog Charges Towards Arms Of Soldier After Staying 3 Years Away From Each Other
A reunion left bystanders in tears after an army dog charged towards Army Specialist Vance McFarland, the two met for the first time in 3 years.
McFarland and Ikar, a 5-year-old Czech Shepard, served in the army together in Afghanistan in 2012.
A small crowd gathered around the meet and greet area of the Boise Airport, while they were waiting for the flight to arrive.
Before McFarland met Ikar he said, “I hope he remembers me.”
McFarland added, “Sometimes were good, sometimes were stressful. Having Ikar definitely made it a lot better. Having a dog with you on deployment is almost like having a little bit of home. Other soldiers were jealous, they always wanted to come up and pet Ikar. We made the best of it.”
Ikar is a Tactical Explosive Detection Dog.
Ikar and McFarland found roadside Improvised Explosive Devices in Afghanistan when they were deployed there.
McFarland and Ikar arrived back in the United States in September 2012 and they were both separated.
Ikar was sent to another a handler.
Thanks to the help of the Mission K9 rescue, Ikar and McFarland are now together and will stay with each other forever.