Generous Plumber Who Didn’t Charge Elderly Lady With Cancer Receives £80,000 In Donations

James Anderson, a 52-year-old generous plumber, went viral after he shared an incident where he decided not to charge an elderly woman who was diagnosed with cancer.

James did the kind act when he was facing bankruptcy, but thanks to his kind act, people across the country reached out to him and decided to help him out.

James said he has received £80,000 in donations in less than a week!

James risked going bankrupt after he decided to close down his business and re-launch it as a non-profit organization that will help you the less fortunate.

James raises money to help the less fortunate people through donations and crowdfunding.

Earlier this month, James shared a picture of his bill that he sent to a 91-year-old woman who had leukemia.

James said he has received hundreds of emails after the post went viral.

James said, “People are talking about doing it in America, France, and Australia, and they’re all going to contact me to get advice and guidance as to how to do it in their countries.”

James added, “Hopefully… we can bring all communities together for one common cause across the planet, so everybody who’s elderly and disabled, not just in the UK, can benefit from something like this in society.”

So far, James said he has received over 79k pounds.

James wants to use the money to help out the less fortunate people outside Lancashire, the place where lives in.

James also wants to expand his non-profit organizations across the country, so more people could be helped.

James said, “I had to lay two of the lads off because I couldn’t afford it, then I had to go out and do the jobs myself as well as the paperwork, advertising, quotes and everything else. Now I can look at bringing them back. We don’t just have to do Lancashire now. I’m going to be ringing local engineers in the wider area.”

He added, “We’ve had companies say they’ll do all the advertising for us including a website, all free of charge. This is just the beginning of something that can be global.”

Good things happen to those people who take care of the less fortunate. Keep up the good work James!

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