Man Makes 14-Hour Boat Trip Every Week To Supply Small City With Grocery During Coronavirus Pandemic
Not all heroes wear capes.
A grocer from a remote region in Alaska, which is by the way only accessible by a plane or a boat, is doing all his best to keep everyone in his small city fed during the coronavirus pandemic.
Toshua Parker, the owner of Icy Strait Wholesale in Gustavus, has been making weekly boat trips with his staff to Juneau so he could restock on essential food and supplies at Costco.
It’s been a long winter of rough seas but today the crew of the Claim Jumper gets a well deserved weather break. Tons of groceries and freight coming your way Gustavus!
Posted by Toshco – Icy Strait Wholesale on Thursday, 2 April 2020
That trip may sound easy, but it is not.
It takes them 14 hours to complete the journey on a 96 feet long converted military landing craft.
Gustavus is a coastal community that borders Glacier Bay National Park.
There are 450 living in the community.
The only place to buy groceries is ToshCo, which is a nickname they gave to the store of Parker.
No reason for panic buying. Our supply chain may be occasionally delayed but it’s holding. We’ve got you covered Gustavus!
Posted by Toshco – Icy Strait Wholesale on Friday, 3 April 2020
Parker usually has food and supplies shipped from Costco to his store aboard the ferry system of the state, but due to the pandemic, it is no longer working.
Without any alternative method of delivery, he had to do everything by himself.
During an interview with CNN, Parker said:
It’s funny because for us, this doesn’t seem like a big deal. Alaskans are fiercely independent and resourceful; you really have to be to survive here. So when a problem arises, we don’t typically look to someone else for help, we just find a way to do it.
Parker is making boat trips about once a week since the month of March so he could feed his 450 residents.
After docking in Juneau, Parker buys supplies from Costco and load them on a boat.
Parker and his employees load the groceries into coolers and unload everything in their shop.
The community of Gustavus is incredibly grateful for the efforts of Parker,
Talking about his kind acts, Parker said:
The town needed to be supplied with groceries so we just did whatever it took to make that happen. Just another day in our world. Next year it will be another obstacle to overcome and we’ll buck up and deal with it.
Amazing act Parker!