New Jersey Landlord Cancels 3 Months Of Rent For Tenants During Coronavirus Crisis
A landlord from New Jersey, USA, went all out when he decided to waive rent payments for his tenants for 3 months amidst the coronavirus crisis.
David Placek, the kind man, said:
For us, it’s just good business practice. We’re believers that if you invest in the community and you’re good community stewards, that is going to be good for you as a property owner and property investor.
Placek decided to waive rent for April, May, and June.
This comes as the coronavirus pandemic is wreaking the lives of millions or even billions of people all over the world.
David, who owns 12 rental units in Montclair, New Jersey, will be losing over $50,000 in rent in just the span of 3 months.
His tenants are extremely happy for the kind act.
Talking about his kind act, Placek said that forgoing over $50,000 in rent was an easy decision for him.
Placek said:
It was more a question of why not do this for our tenants. We ask them to pay it forward so if they can go out and buy take out from the restaurants or gift cards from the other small businesses or pay it forward to the local food bank we had in Montclair, N.J. called Tony’s Kitchen.
Thank you, Placek, you have done good to people that are suffering the most during this coronavirus pandemic.