Different Ways Technology Is Improving Education

Imagine this scene: the class is being taught by a robot. The students listen to the lecture, but they also see things around them, since they all wear virtual reality headsets. The robot-teacher tells them about the movement of planets. The students get the feeling they are in the middle of the Universe, watching the planets move around them.

Does that sound like a sci-fi movie? It does… but you know what? Some of these ideas already became part of reality. Technology and education make the perfect pair.

How does technology affect society? That’s a rather simple question to answer. Technology became an inseparable part of our lives. People have smart devices at home, so they can heat or cool the place, turn the washing machine on, and cook themselves dinner without even being at home. They control the devices from their smartphone.

Technology is all about making us more effective. When we talk about technology in education, we see the same results: people are getting more effective. We still don’t see robots in the role of teachers. But we see various levels of use of technology in education. Let’s discuss them, shall we? We’ll list some of the most prominent ways of technology improving the way teachers teach and students learn.

  1. Virtual Reality Became Part of Education

Smartphones and mobiles are already a standard. If we talk about future education technology, we’ll inevitably focus on one thing: VR. This technology is getting more affordable, so schools from all around the world can supply headsets for their students. Google Cardboard, as one of the most commonly used headsets, costs only $15. There are more affordable versions, too.

By 2020, the expected impact of VR technology on the global economy is expected to reach 21.5 billion US dollars. This is huge. But what does that mean for the educational industry?

It means we’ll keep seeing more schools enabling their students to learn while experiencing. Thanks to virtual reality, the teacher can instantly engage the students. If they teach about the atom, the students will see the atom. The VR model is realistic, so they will understand the concepts that the teacher is trying to explain with words. VR is much better than PowerPoint slides. Plus, the apps are ready for the educators to use, so they don’t have to spend time preparing visuals for their lessons.

That’s one brilliant example for the use of technology in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. Both the teacher and the students benefit from VR.

  1. We’re Moving Towards Less Writing and More Practical Projects

Writing endless essays and research papers – that’s part of the old educational systems. Few decades ago, this is how schooling was perceived: the teacher lectures through a one-way process. Discussions with the students were rare. Then, the students were required to learn what the teacher taught. They expressed that knowledge through exams and essays.

During the last decade, things changed. Discussions are a common aspect of the educational process. The students are getting more engaged.  But teachers still require essays and other kinds of papers. Since the students are busier than they ever were, they usually turn to writing services.

Australian services are especially popular. The student finds one and says: “I need a professional writer to make my assignment on time” and the service complies with that request. This is a serious problem for the educational system. When professors shift towards practical projects involving technology, they can solve the issue.

In the future, we’ll be seeing less writing and more technology education. The students will have to learn how to use software for graphic design, video editing, and more. When a history teacher requires them to do homework, they won’t need a simple essay. They will ask the students to visit a certain location and film an educational video about it. With technology, even homework can be fun.

  1. Education Is More Available

Illiteracy is still a serious issue for India, affecting millions of people. Not everyone has access to a high-quality school that provides everything a student deserves. Thanks to technology, education is on its way to become a public good.

From very young age, children can access online educational resources. If the government provides a computer and an Internet connection in each household, we’ll be raising a literate, well-educated nation.

When we talk about higher educational levels, technology is even more important. Complete university education is extremely expensive, so not everyone has access to it. Technology breaks the financial barrier. If someone wants to learn, they can do it through free online courses. The students will still have to pay to get certified, but online certifications are more affordable when compared to the degrees that students receive after on-campus education.

Massive amounts of free information are available online. Resources like Coursera, Khan Academy, and similar websites offer high-quality classes and certification programs. The access to learning opportunities is no longer dependent on finances. It’s dependent on the student’s will to learn. If we wonder how technology has changed education, we’ll have to acknowledge the fact that it made it more affordable.

  1. Students Connect and Collaborate

When the students from India learn about European culture, the teacher can connect them with a classroom from Austria. When the students from Australia learn about Indian culture, their teachers can connect them with a classroom from India.

The classroom is no longer an isolated system. It opens up to the world, thanks to various video conferencing tools. A tool as simple as Skype can break geography limits and take the students in different countries across the world.

The most important thing is that technology enhances the communication between students from different countries and cultures. In addition to connecting their students with other classrooms, the teachers can also connect with regional scientists and give their students a glimpse into their missions.

Videoconferencing tools are perfect for that. But even if the students explore the blog of a scientist or the website of an organization, they can still connect with them. They can send a message with specific questions, and they will get an answer. Everything is possible!

Overview: How Has Technology Changed Education?

Technology can support educational processes at all levels. Educators should stop being afraid that it distracts students. When used properly, it doesn’t distract them. It opens new viewpoints, and it prepares them to face a world driven by technology.

When we envision the future of education, we can’t do it without mixing technology in. It makes learning and teaching better in countless ways.


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