Grandfather Died While Shielding Wife And 9-Year-Old Granddaughter In El Paso Walmart Shooting

David Johnson, a 63-year-old grandfather, dies while he was shielding his wife and his 9-year-old granddaughter in the El Paso Walmart Shooting.

Mr. Johnson dies while he was protecting from the open fire of a 21-year-old old shooting who targeted Hispanics in the shooting.

Mr. Johnson was then separated from his family.

Initially, the family members of Mr. Johnson were told that he was alright and was receiving medical attention, but the authorities they identified was not the grandfather of the 9-year-old.

The death of Mr. Johnson was released on August 4, 2019.

Thanks to the heroic actions of Mr. Johnson, his 9-year-old granddaughter, and wife are still alive.

20 people were killed and 27 people were injured in the mass shooting that happened in the town of El Paso, Texas.

21-year-old Patrick Crusius, the shooter, open fired with an AK-47 at shoppers who were inside Walmart.

Mr. Johnson is one of the victims of the El Paso Shooting, along with Andre and Jordan Anchondo who died in the same way while they protected their 2-month-old son.

Beto O’Rourke, a former congressman, called out Donald Trump, the President of the United States.

Beto said, “You don’t get mass shootings like these, you don’t torch mosques, or put kids in cages until you have a president who is giving people permission to do that and that is exactly what is happening in the United States of America today.”

In a 2500 word manifesto that was uploaded by Chan, he said that his main targets were Hispanics that were turning Texas, a state in the US, a “Democratic stronghold”.

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