Man From Indonesia Marries His 2 Girlfriends At Once So “Nobody Gets Hurt”

A man from Indonesia is now going viral on social media after pictures and videos of him marrying his 2 girlfriends at once were shared online.

Last week, a man from Indonesia married 2 women at once so no one gets hurt.

The wedding ceremony of the man went viral on Facebook after pictures and videos of him were posted on August 17, 2019.

Kisah nyata pernikahan 1 pria dgn 2 wanita,benar2 terjadi di dusun pangkalan padang rt 06/02 desa airtarap kec kendawangan kab ketapang 🤔🤔

Posted by Ani Purwani on Friday, 16 August 2019

In the video, the man could be seen with 2 women who are getting along with each other pretty well. In the video, you could also hear the groom stumbling over his words and messes up the marriage rites that he is supposed to read.

I mean, why wouldn’t he? He’s marrying two women at once.

But fortunately, the groom gets it right on the second attempt.

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A local news agency in Kalimutan, Indonesia quoted the man saying, “My heart couldn’t stand to see them hurt. So I decided to marry them both,”

The wedding was held in the village of Airtarap, Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The wedding took place with Rp10,000 dowry. The money, which is equivalent to 0.70 USD is going to be shared by the 2 brides.

In Indonesia, Polygamy is completely legal. Balinese, Papuans, and Muslims practice this tradition of having more than one wife or husband at once.

In the Muslim Religion, the Quran says a man can marry up to 4 wives as long as he can treat each one of them equally and can support them equally.

But in the laws of Indonesia, a man is only allowed to marry again if the first wife allows him to get married again.

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