Selfless Russian Driver Leaps Into The Road And Saves Kitten From Being Run Over

Not all heroes wear capes! A Russian man saved a kitten from getting run over by a car without worrying he could get injured.

A man from Sargatskoye, Russia, noticed an orange kitten crossing the street while he was driving.

The street was full of traffic, and the poor kitten got so scared it hid under a car.

In the video, the orange cat stops in front of the back tire of a car that was on hold as civilians crossed the road.

The man saw that the kitten was in a bad position, so he quickly started to honk to the car in front of him, and decided to get out.

The man jumped out of his car and saved the kitten that was seconds away from a horrible death.

The entire moment was caught on the dash-cam of the savior’s car.

This man is really a hero!

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