Kind-Hearted Boy Donates 22,000 Diapers To Single Mothers Using Money He Saved By Selling Lemonade

A lot of kids set up lemonade stands during the summer to earn some extra money, for some its just for fun, but for some, it’s something that will help inspire thousands of people.

11-year-old Cartier Carey set up a lemonade stand not to save for something that we wanted to buy, instead, he set it up to help single mothers.

Carey initially wanted to buy himself something, but instead, he ended up helping single mothers in Hampton, Virginia.

Single mothers are one of the most affected during this coronavirus pandemic, considering the fact that stress and expenses have risen up.

To help the struggling single mothers, Carey decided to use the money that he got to buy diapers and wipes.

During an interview with CNN, Brittany Stewart, the mother of the boy, said:

He doesn’t want to spend any of the money on himself. He just wants to continue to keep buying diapers and giving each day.

The project happened when Carey was visiting the house of his grandmother, who lives in an area that is not doing very well.

Little Carey was shocked when he saw that mothers were raising their kids on their own.

Brittany Stewart added:

As he’s getting older, he kind of understands. He just came up and said, ‘Hey can we help some of the moms?’ and we were kind of like, ‘What do you want to buy?’ That’s kind of how it came [about].

Through lemonade stand and from donations, Carey managed to raise $5,000 and distributed around 6,500 diapers.

As of September this year, he has successfully distributed 22,000 diapers.

This is not the first time little Carey did something for his community.

Recently, he was also seen handing out care packages for the homeless. The packs, known as the “Carti packs” contained:

  • Deodorants
  • Soaps
  • Tissue
  • Hand-warmers

The little boy says that he gets happy when he helps people and after knowing that his kind act helped others get a smile.

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