BAMETI Recruitment 2014 Notification for ATM BTM Accountant Posts Apply Online
Bihar Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute(BAMETI) invites application for recruitment of 2670 ATM BTM Accountant Posts Under the National Mission for Agricultural development, All eligible and interested candidate can apply online from 01-08-2014 to 05-08-2014, this time such a huge vacancy all the information like Age, Educational Qualification, How to Apply Online, Application Fee is given below.
BAMETI 2014 Recruitment Details:
Total Number of Posts: 2670
Name of posts:
Block Technical Manager: 534 Posts
Lekhpal: 534 Posts
Assistant Technical Manager: 1602Posts
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational qualification :
The applicants going to apply for Assistant Technical Manager and Block Technical Manager posts have done degree in Horticulture/Agriculture Engineering/Veterinary/Fishery/Dairy Techniques for able to apply.
For Lekhapal posts , the applicants must possess B.Com.
Age Limit:
Candidates age limit should be between 21years to 37 years as on 01-08-2014. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Merit that will be prepared on the basis of performance in Written exam
How To Apply:
1. Before applying online candidates must have valid email id and scanned copy of photograph and signature.
2. Log on to website Link Provided below.
3. Click on ATM/ BTM Apply Online–> View Advertisement–> read the instructions carefully.
4. Click on ‘Online Apply’ and click on New Registration.
5. Fill the details carefully and submit.
6. Upload the scanned phtograph and signature and submit.
7. After submissin of online application, take print out and keep it for future purpose
Important Dates To Remember:
Starting Date of Submission of Application: 01-08-2014
Last Date for Submission of Application: 05-09-2014
To Apply Online: