RRB ALP Answer Key 2nd CBT Exam Pass Mark Criteria
The RBP ALP answer key for the 2nd CBT Exam is now available to download, all candidates who took the exam can check the pass mark criteria for the RRB ALP 2nd Stage Exam. This is not yet the final answer key, so there are possibilities that some questions will have different answers in the final one, the answer key that is available right now will give the candidates an idea of how many points they gor in the exam.
All candidates must keep in mind that the answer key will not provide any official score, the final marks will be released on a different date which will reveal the true points every candidate got in the exam.
The normalization of the marks is a practice that is followed for all the tests that were held in multiple sessions. The normalization process is done to practice the equity in an exam where its difficulty varied in different shifts.
All candidates who got confused in the normalization process are going to follow in the RRB ALP 2nd CBT exam and must not put away their doubts. In the official notice, it said that the normalization process is going to be followed in every stage of the exam. This means that the marks of the ALP 2nd CBT exam are going to be normalized.
The RRB ALP 2nd CBT Passing Marks
One question that is asked frequently is what are the passing marks for the RRB ALP 2nd Stage exam. In this part, we will first clarify the qualification mark and the cut-off mark. The qualification mark is the minimum percent a candidate should get so he/she can qualify and the cut-off mark is the minimum marks every candidate should have scored so he/she can be shortlisted for the next stage of the process of getting selected.
In the Paper A, the minimum percentage required by category are UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%.
In the Paper B, the passing mark of the RRB ALP 2nd CBT is 35 percent irrespective of the category of every candidate who took the exam. Candidates are only required to qualify in the Paper B. The cut-off is going to be based on the marks candidates get in Paper A and will get shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process for the RRB ALP and the Technician recruitment.