Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Virologist That Claimed Coronavirus Was Made In Wuhan Laboratory
Twitter, a social media platform, has suspended the account of a Chinese virologist that claimed that the coronavirus was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a former researcher at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, went dark on the platform after she accused China of covering up evidence.
She claims that the deadly virus was developed at a lab in Wuhan.
During an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, she said:
They don’t want the people to know this truth. Also, that’s why I got suspended, I got suppression [and] I am the target that China Communist Party wants to [sic] disappear.
Twitter did not release a comment about the claims of Dr. Li-Meng Yan.
Yan said that she was working at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health when her supervisor told her to investigate the new SARS-like virus that was reported in Wuhan on December 31, 2020.
Her efforts were later stifled.
She was told that they need to be silent and careful and that they will get in trouble or they could disappear.
Yan also said that she has proof that the coronavirus came from a virology lab in the city and did not come from the wet-food market.
In a video that she released on Facebook, she said:
The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint. Based on this you can identify these things. “I will [use this] evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it,” she adds. “Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself.
Yan also claims that that the authorities in China started to discredit her before she left Hong Kong.
It is said that the country had deleted all their information and also told people to spread false rumors about her.
The Chinese National Health Commission, World Health Organisation, and the University Of Hong Kong disputed her claims.
In July this year, the Hong Kong University released a statement, where they said that Dr. Yan Limeng was a post-doctoral fellow at their university.
They confirmed in that statement that she had left the University.