Children’s Day Speech For Students Teachers- Happy Children’s Day 14th Nov 2017 Essays In Tamil Malayalam Kannada Hindi

Children’s Day is a day recognised to celebrate children globally. The day is celebrated on the 1st of October in various places, however some countries around the world commemorate the day on different calendar dates. Children’s day (also known as Bal Divas) in India is celebrated every year on 14th of November as the day marks the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter and independent India’s first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru had a great love for children. He wanted to be among them, talk to them and play with them. The children also loved and respected him and called him CHACHA NEHRU. Children’s Day is celebrated to increase the awareness of people towards the rights, care and education of children. This day reminds everyone to renew their commitment towards the welfare of the children and to teach them to live by Chacha Nehru’s ideals. And for grown-up people, it is an occasion to imbibe the qualities of childhood.

Children's Day Speech For Students Teachers- Happy Children's Day 14th Nov 2017 Essays In Tamil Malayalam Kannada Hindi

The 14th November is celebrated every year by the people of India in a befitting manner. Early in the morning people, begin gathering at Shanti Bhavan to pay homage to the great leader. The visitors include cabinet ministers and high officials. Wreaths are placed at the Samadhi, prayers are held and hymns are chanted. Tributes are paid to Pundit Nehru for his sacrifices, achievements in international politics and peace efforts.

It is a day to engage in fun and frolic. School children organize cultural programmes to celebrate the day. They sing national songs and stage short dramas. The guests who attend the celebration advise the students to be patriotic and follow the footsteps of Pundit Nehru. They inspire them to deeds of bravery and sacrifice for the sake of their motherland. But it is not just that. Children’s Day calls for some excellent speech from teachers, mentors, parents, and even kids. Here is a special Children Day celebration speech that you can prepare for this special day. We have collected the set speeches in English, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, etc that you can prepare for Children’s day celebration. So, go ahead and get some confidence to motivate and boost children on this occasion.

Children’s Day Speech 2017 Short In English:

Today we all are gathered here to celebrate the birth anniversary of our great leader Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. All kids in a loving manner called as Chacha Nehru. He adored kids so he chose to observe his birth day as Children’s day. Nehru was born in Allahabad on November 14th, 1889. His dad was Mother was Swaroop Rani and father was Motilal Nehru. Since from his youth, he was quite intelligent boy in most facets. For his higher studies, he went England then returned to India to practise law. There were many movements began by distinct freedom fighters against the British folks. So, the Indian National Congress was joined by Nehru.

14th November Children’s Day Short Essay 2 in English:

Every year we celebrate Children’s Day with great enthusiasm. This year also the Children’s Day was observed with great passion and excitement in our school. The kids themselves coordinated the entire event.

The school building was attractively decorated with buntings that are multicoloured. Balloons were hanging in large number. An excellent seating arrangement was made for the students along with the teachers.

childrens day essays

Following the Principal’s coming a nicely to began the organised program. Now a program will about to start with Bharat Mata singing play followed by Veer Shiva skit. Subsequently there were few songs in Hindi and English. A girl student read a poem about “Chacha Nehru” and his great works towards his (our) country.

14th November Children’s Day Speech in English:

Speech 1:

Good morning to the Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. We all are very glad and gathered here to celebrate children’s day. At this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech on the children’s day. Children become the happiness of the society and home as well as future of the country. We can not ignore their involvement and contribution in the life of parents, teachers and other related people all through the life. Children are liked by everyone and without children life become very boring and upset. They are blessed by the God and conquer our hearts with their beautiful eyes, innocent activities and smiles. Children’s Day is celebrated every year to pay tribute to all the children all over the world.

It is celebrated at different dates in various countries however in India, it is being celebrated for years on 14th of November. Actually 14th of November is the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter and first prime minister of the independent India (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru) however celebrated as the children’s day because of his great love and affection towards children. He was a political leader, however, spent his most of the precious moments with children and loved their innocence. Children’s Day celebration brings lots of fun and frolic activities. The celebration of this day reminds us to renew our commitment towards children’s welfare including their proper health, care, teaching, etc. Children were Chacha Nehru’s ideals and given lots of love and care by him. It is an occasion to appropriate the qualities of childhood.

Children are considered as the building blocks of the strong nation. Children are very small but have the capability to change the nation positively. They are the responsible citizens of the tomorrow. Children’s Day celebration also reminds us about their rights of which they are getting benefits or not. Children are leaders of tomorrow so they need to get respect, special care and protection from their parents, teachers and other members of the family. They are being abused in many ways in our nation by their family members, relatives, neighbours or other strangers. Children’s day celebration make us remind about the importance of the children in the family, society and country. Following are the common rights of the children which they must get:

They should get proper care and love by the parents and family.
They should get healthy food, clean clothes and security.
They should get a healthy living environment where they can feel safe at home, school or another place.
They should get a proper and good level of education.
They should be provided special care when disabled or sick.
Let us join our hands together and take a pledge to secure the present and future of the country’s leaders to make a beautiful nation.
Thank you.

Speech 2:

Good morning to the respected Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech on this occasion of children’s day about the children’s day celebration and the importance of children. I am very grateful to my class teacher to give me such opportunity to speech on this occasion in front of you all. Children’s Day is celebrated on different dates in many countries, however, In India, it is celebrated on 14th of November every year to commemorate the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Actually the 14th of November is the birth anniversary of the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru which is celebrated as the children’s day every year all over the India. 1st of June is celebrated as the International Children’s Day whereas 20th of November as Universal Children’s Day.

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was a true friend of the children. He loved to talk and play with children. He was the Prime Minister of India, however, loved to remain among children by following his all the political responsibilities towards the country. He was a very warm-hearted person, always inspired and motivated children to be patriotic and happy citizen of the country. Children used to call him as Chacha Nehru because of his love and affection. He was very fond of the roses and children all through his life. Once he said that children are like the buds in the garden. He was very concerned about the condition of the children of the country as he understood children as the future of the country. He wanted that, children should be nurtured by the parents very carefully and lovingly for the bright future of the country.

childrens day speech for students teachers

He understood children as the real strength of the country. He loved children of both sexes equally and believed in giving equal opportunities to both for the actual development of the nation. His genuine love for the children became the reason of getting an endearing name as Chacha Nehru. In order to pay him a tribute, his birth anniversary is celebrated as children’s day all over India after his death in 1964. It is celebrated by organizing a variety of activities such as singing, drama play, dancing, essay writing, storytelling, speech, quiz competitions, etc.
Celebrating children’s day memorizes us about the importance of children in making the future of the country. This celebration makes a call to every Indian citizen to protect their little ones from all harms by providing better childhood. Nowadays, children are being a victim of many social evils like drug, child abuse, alcohol, sex, hard labour, violence, etc. They are forced to earn a little money for hard work in the very small age. They remain away from the healthy life, parents’ love, education, and other childhood happiness. Children’s day celebration helps us to think again and again about the status of children in the country. Children are the valuable asset of the nation as well as future and hope of tomorrow, so they should get proper care and love.

Speech 3:

Good morning to the excellencies, Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. As we all know that we are gathered here to celebrate the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India means children’s day. I would like to speech on this great occasion and make this occasion a memorable one for me. 14th of November is celebrated as the children’s day every year all over the India in the schools and colleges. 14th of November is the birthday of the Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru who was the first Prime Minister of independent India. His birthday is celebrated as children’s day because of his great love and affection for the children of the nation. He had given much importance to the children throughout his life and loved to talk them. He always liked to be among children and surrounded by them. He is called as the Chacha Nehru by the children because of his lots of love and care towards children.

It is celebrated by the cabinet ministers and high officials including other people in the early morning by gathering at Shanti Bhavan and pay homage to the great leader. They place flowers garland at the Samadhi and perform prayers and then chanting of hymns takes place. A heartily tribute is paid to the Chacha Nehru for his selfless sacrifices, encouraging youths, peaceful political achievements, etc.
Variety of cultural programmes and activities are organized in various schools and colleges
by the children to celebrate this day with big enthusiasm. National, inspirational and motivational songs are sung, stage show, dance, short dramas, etc are played by the children to remember the Indian leader and his great love and care for the children. A big crowd of people attend the celebration to hear the speech of students about the Pt. Nehru. Pt. Nehru always advised to the children to be patriotic and nationalistic all through the life. He always inspired and cheered the children doing deeds of bravery and sacrifice for the motherland.

Thank You

childrens day speech in english

14th November Children’s Day Speech in Hindi:

Speech 1:

14 नवंबर को भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू का जन्मदिन होता है। इसे बाल दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। क्योंकि उन्हें बच्चों से बहुत प्यार था और बच्चे उन्हें चाचा नेहरू पुकारते थे।

बाल दिवस बच्चों को समर्पित भारत का राष्ट्रीय त्योहार है। देश की आजादी में भी नेहरू का बड़ा योगदान था।

प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में उन्होंने देश का उचित मार्गदर्शन किया था। बाल दिवस बच्चों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दिन होता है। इस दिन स्कूली बच्चे बहुत खुश दिखाई देते हैं। वे सज-धज कर विद्यालय जाते हैं। विद्यालयों में बच्चे विशेष कार्यक्रम आयोजित करते हैं।

वे अपने चाचा नेहरू को प्रेम से स्मरण करते हैं। बाल मेले में बच्चे अपनी बनाई हुई वस्तुओं की प्रदर्शनी लगाते हैं। इसमें बच्चे अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन करते हैं। नृत्य, गान, नाटक आदि प्रस्तुत किए जाते हैं। नुक्कड़ नाटकों के द्वारा आम लोगों को शिक्षा का महत्व बताया जाता है।

बच्चे देश का भविष्य हैं। इसलिए हमें सभी बच्चों की शिक्षा की तरफ ध्यान देना चाहिए। बच्चों के रहन-सहन के स्तर ऊंचा उठाना हमारी प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए। इन्हें स्वस्थ, निर्भीक और योग्य नागरिक बनाने का प्रयास किया जाना चाहिए। यह बाल दिवस का संदेश है।

बाल दिवस के अवसर पर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकार बच्चों के भविष्य के लिए कई कार्यक्रमों की घोषणा करती है।

बाल श्रम रोधी कानूनों को सही मायनों में पूरी तरह से लागू किया जाना चाहिए। अनेक कानून बने होने के बावजूद बाल श्रमिकों की संख्‍या में वर्ष दर वर्ष वृद्धि होती जा रही है। इन बच्चों का सही स्थान कल-कारखानों में नहीं बल्कि स्कूल है।

Speech 2:

‘बाल दिवस’ 14 नवम्बर को मनाया जाता है। यह भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू का जन्मदिन होता है। इसी को बाल दिवस के रूप में मनाते हैं। पं. नेहरू को बच्चों से बहुत प्यार था और बच्चे उन्हें चाचा नेहरू पुकारते थे।

पं. नेहरू अपने देश को आज़ाद कराना चाहते थे। उनमें देश-भक्ति कूट-कूट कर भरी थी। स्वतंत्रता-संग्राम में उन्हें अनेक यातनाएं सहनी पड़ी। कई बार उनको जेल भेजा गया। सन 1947 में भारत को स्वतंत्रता मिली। नेहरूजी को प्रधानमन्त्री चुना गया। उन्होंने देश की गरीबी को दूर करने का प्रयत्न किया। वह भारत में समाजवाद का स्वप्न देखते थे। वे अपना सारा समय देश की समस्याओं को सुलझाने में व्यतीत करते थे।

बाल दिवस बच्चों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दिन होता है। इस दिन स्कूली बच्चे बहुत खुश दिखाई देते हैं। वे सज-धज कर विद्यालय जाते हैं। विद्यालयों में बच्चों के विशेष कार्यक्रम आयोजित किये जाते हैं। बच्चे चाचा नेहरू को प्रेम से स्मरण करते हैं। नृत्य, गान एवं नाटक आदि का आयोजन किया जाता है। बाल दिवस के अवसर पर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकार बच्चों के भविष्य के लिए कई कार्यक्रमों की घोषणा करती है।

childrens day speech in tamil

14th November Children’s Day Speech For Teachers:

Respected Principal/Father, teachers and dear friends,

Today, we are celebrating the happy occasion of Children’s day. It is an occasion every child, every student love to celebrate. We all know that today is the Birth Anniversary of our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, a leader our country will always remember.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru loved children. So children also loved him. That is why children fondly called him Chacha Nehru. Chacha means uncle as we all know. When Chacha Nehru was alive children gifted him Red Rose because Chachaji always adorned his coat with a fresh Rose.

Nehruji was born on 14th November 1889 to Motilal Nehru who was a famous leader and lawyer. His mother’s name was Swarup Rani. Jawaharlal Nehru’s sister Bijaylaxmi Pandit was also a great diplomat of our country. Chacha Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi was our first woman Prime Minister. When Nehru was fighting against British rulers he was kept in prison by British Government in India. From the Jail, he wrote letters to his daughter Indira. These letters are called “Letters from a Father to His Daughter”. This is considered a must read a book for children. There he wrote about civilizations of the world and natural history. You may want to know how old was Indira Gandhi when Jawaharlal Nehru wrote those letters??

She was only 10 years old. (Many of you/us are now of the same age like Indira Gandhi when she received the letters from her father) Has anyone from you read this book? I insist that you read that book. You can buy that book or borrow from the school/public library.

There are many things you may want to know about Chacha Nehru. Chachaji was a great political leader of our country. Nehruji along with Sardar Vallabhai Patel worked hard to shape the future of our country. Nehruji also worked for World peace. (Nehruji was a great leader of Non-Alignment Movement which gave the world the idea of staying away from was and international polarisation).

He wrote many more books. So we must know about him. But we/you can learn them by yourselves. You should always save time to read great books apart from studying Textbooks and fun books. This will be your true tribute to your beloved Chacha Nehru when we/you become a learned person like him and contribute to our country.


With this, I conclude my speech. And wish you a very very Happy Children’s Day.

Children’s Day Speech For Students Teachers- Happy Children’s Day 14th Nov 2017 Essays In Tamil Malayalam Kannada Hindi

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