The Different Levels Of VIP Security Cover In India, Who Gets It And Who Decides It? Read Details

In a country like India which is always high on enthusiasm and opposition, providing security cover to VIP’s who have high stature becomes an absolute necessity. Thus, these people are provided with security cover of different types which generally depends on the level of threat to the person and his position.

Security is provided for high-risk individuals who are constantly under threat; they come under the security blanket and are provided security by the National Security Guard commandos, Police and local government. The President, Vice-President, Prime-Minister, Supreme Court and High Court Judges, Governors of State, Chief Ministers, Cabinet Ministers fall in this category.

Different Level Security for VIPs in India

The VIP security comes under the home ministry, Yellow Book is a secret document containing details of the security arrangements for individuals and is referred while withdrawing, upgrading or downgrading security of central protectees. Depending on the threat perception to the person; the Home Ministry and the Intelligence Bureau (IB) officials approve the category of security detailing to be provided.

The category is divided into four tiers: Z+ (highest level), Z, Y, and X. The SPG (Special Protection Group), NSG (National Security Guards), ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) and CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) are trusted with the responsibility to safeguard our country’s VVIPs, VIPs, politicians, High- profile celebrities and sports persons.

The SPG was formed a few years after the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984. It provides security to the Prime Minister and former Prime Ministers and members of their immediate families. For former Prime Ministers and their families, SPG cover cannot be extended beyond a year of leaving office unless an assessment on their threat perception warrants it.

The 4 Categories Vary From Each Other:

1. Z+ Security Cover:

Z+ Security Cover

Z+ category has a security cover of 36 personnel including 10 Commandos, Police personnel, and National Security Guard NSG is used extensively to guard VVIP’s under this security cover. The commandos are equipped with sophisticated MP5 Submachine guns and modern communication gadgets, each member is trained in martial arts and unarmed combat fighting. Currently, 17 VIPs are provided with Z+ security cover in India.

2. Z Security Cover:

Z Security Cover

It has a security cover of 22 personnel including 4 or 5 NSG commando and Police personnel. The security is provided by the Delhi police of the ITBP or CRPF personnel and one escort car.

3. Y Level Security Cover:

Y Level Security

It has a security cover of 11 personnel including 1 or 5 commandos and Police personnel. The security is provided with two personal security officers (PSOs).

4. X Level Security Cover:

It includes security cover of 2 or 5 personnel (Only armed police personnel) along with 1  personal security officer.

The President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and High Court judges, Governors of states, Chief Ministers and Cabinet Ministers automatically get security cover, so do the service chiefs of the Indian Armed Forces.

VVIP security is decided by a committee consisting of Intelligence Bureau (IB) officials, the Home Secretary and the Home Minister. There have also been instances where security was provided on recommendations of the state government.

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