International Family Day 2019 HD Pictures And Ultra HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp, Facebook, And Twitter

One of the most important things in life is Family, they simply were there for you when you needed them the most. To be considered as a family member does not require someone to be blood-related, a family is something where you can feel like you are home and where you feel protected.

Happy International Family Day Quotes, Wishes And Greetings

Every year, on May 15, the world celebrates the International Day of Families, the day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. On this day, many see it as an opportunity to highlight the problems, interests, and importance in their families.

The more we open up in our family, the stronger our bond gets. It’s like an everlasting glue that gets better by time, just like a fine wine.

On May 15 every year, the international family day is celebrated through many activities such as radio programs, tv shows, conferences, workshops, articles, and many more.

The theme of International Family Day 2019 is “Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG13”

How can you celebrate the International Family Day 2019?

Here are 3 things you can do with your family on May 15:

  1. You can do a project that can help the local community. Such as helping those families that are less fortunate, or do a family cookout with your neighbors.
  2. You can reflect on how important your family means to you. A family does not mean that they should be blood-related to you. They can also be the ones who care for you, ones that accept you for who you really are, and those who love you the most. Take them out for a treat or for a picnic. Spend some time with them.
  3. Organize a community family picnic. If you want to do something for your community and strengthen your bond with them, then the best thing you can do is organize a community family picnic.
  4. Do something for those kids who lost their parents. We are lucky to have our parents and family members with us. But why not spend some time with those who do not have theirs with them. Such as kids who live in foster homes. Bring the kids out for movies, picnics, or even your own family cookouts!!

Happy International Families Day 2019 HD Pictures And Ultra HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp And Facebook


International Families Day HD Pictures And Ultra HD Images

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