This Terrifying Video Of 4 Sports Bikes Crashing In Malaysia Shows Speed Thrills But Kills

Every year, thousands of thrill seekers give away their lives in road accidents due to Over Speed. They have not only risk their own lives but also put others at risk.

In one of the most terrifying incidents of over-speeding, 4 sports bikes racing on a stretch of a straight road from Shah Alam to Kuala Lumpur collided with a Proton Exora. The rider lost control and got hit by a few other motorcycles before coming to a stop some 500m due to impact.

The crowd looked stunned at the mishap as it all happened in a blink of time. Watch the video here.

Races are fun to watch but only on TV. Many teenagers find it fun to race around on the streets for mere fun failing to see the lives they risk on their way. Remember – SPEED THRILLS BUT KILLS.

The incident occurred on 22 Sept 2015 and involved a few motorcycles and a Proton Exora heading from Shah Alam to Kuala Lumpur. It is believed that a motorcyclist collided with the Exora from behind, which caused the rider to lose control before being hit by other motorcyclists.

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