The Best Natural Ways To Tighten Your Skin On Face And Neck

A perfect, radiant skin is something that is really appealing, whereas loose, sagging skin is definitely unattractive. Sagging skin on the face, neck, stomach, arms, breasts or thighs happens for a variety of reasons. These can include pregnancy, losing a lot of weight, excessive exposure to harmful sun rays, your genetics, and use of wrong skin care products or just natural aging. Due to aging, the elastin and collagen structure of the skin loses elasticity and the skin loses some of its self-moisturizing components making it appeared loose and saggy. Plus, age can make the facial muscles weak, which also contributes to saggy skin.

tight skin

There are a lot of cosmetic surgeries to tighten your sagging skin, but they are painful and don’t always guarantee the best results. The good news is that there are a few natural home remedies that can help tighten loose, sagging, wrinkled skin without any side effect. These beauty tips for the skin are also less expensive and very simple to follow.

Drink loads of water

Drinking lots of water is an essential step towards a healthy skin as it can flush the toxins out from the body, keep the skin hydrated, supple and fresh, reduce skin aging, and restore the firmness and tightness of the skin. It can also help to get rid of pimples and acne and make the skin soft and glowing. Hence, you should aim to drink at least eight glasses of cold water a day.

drink water


To tighten loose and saggy skin, you can also use cucumber. This is one of the best vegetables to treat a lot of skin problems. It is one of the best natural skin tones and has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Blend half a cucumber in a blender and strain the pulp to extract its juice. Apply the juice all over the face, even under the eyes and leave it on until it dries. Rinse it off with warm water. Follow this remedy once daily. Applying this juice on your face can help to get rid of dark circles, acne, wrinkles, whiteheads, and also tighten the skin and prevent premature skin aging.


Use a Facial Mask

Make a cucumber face mask with two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice, one egg white and few drops of vitamin E oil. Apply this mask on your face and neck, leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. After doing this, your skin will feel tighter and refreshed. And you can use this mask once a week.

face mask

You can also make an instant face tightening mask from one egg white mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this evenly on your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes until the mask dries and wash it off with warm water.

egg mask

Use Natural Astringents

Natural astringents contain chemicals that cause body tissue to constrict and pull together. So when applied topically, they cause the skin to tighten and pores to shrink. They also reduce wrinkles and control the oil and sebum secretions from the skin. Apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon juice, witch hazel, and rose water are excellent natural astringents.

Use Natural Astringents

Do Facial Exercises

There are lots of facial exercises that you can do in your spare time, which will help to tone up the unused muscle bundles in the face and make the skin firm and less saggy.

For example, to get rid of a double chin, try tilting your head back with your mouth closed and look at the ceiling. Pretend you are chewing something and move your chin up and down 100 times a day. To tighten the skin around your neck, keep your mouth closed and suck in repeatedly.

facial excersices

Eat a Proper Diet

A well-balanced diet is also vital for the healthy skin. For the skin to look firm and tight, you need to include plenty of antioxidant-rich foods in your diet. These will help eliminate free radicals and tighten the collagen in the skin. Avoid oily, sugary and calorie rich foods and include more fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens in your meals which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Eat a Proper Diet

Apply Sunscreen

Make sure you apply a good quality sunscreen when you step out in the sun as it can protect your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. And, always use a cream with Vitamin E, as it will hydrate the skin cells to make them tighter.

Apply Sunscreen

Natural oils

Massaging your skin with natural oils like Avocado oil, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E oil, etc helps to tighten loose skin to keep it firm and smooth. They help to reduce the sagging and shrinking of the skin pores. Massage your face with any of these oils for 20 minutes each day to get maximum benefits.


With these lifestyle changes, your skin will stop aging faster than you!

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