Desert Locusts Invade Gurugram, Residents Told To Close Their Windows And Bang Kitchen Utensils
Residents of a city located to the capital of India were advised to shut down their windows and bang their utensils during a locust invasion.
In Gurugram, India, a desert locust invasion got so bad that officials had to advise their residents to bang their utensils and close their windows or any sort of entrance to their house to be covered.
Not only that, pilots of the Delhi International Airport, which is near Gurugram, were told to take extra precautions during landing and taking off due to the desert locust invasion.
The locust outbreak in India is currently considered as one of the worst in decades.
Due to the outbreak, authorities had to deploy fire engines, special vehicles, and helicopters so they could spray insecticides at 7 populous states in the northern, central, and western areas of India.
Earlier this year, a number of areas in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra saw the worst locust invasion in the last couple of years