Lioness And Her Cubs Move Away From Road As Indian Biker Passes By
In a video that was recently shared by Rajya Sabha MP Parimal Nathwani, a lioness can be seen with her cubs acting in the most civilized manner.
As humans, we teach each other and even animals to follow commands, but it looks like the tables have turned around.
This #viralvideo shows a #Lioness & two cubs moving away to give way to a biker on the way to his farm near a village on the outskirts of #Gir sanctuary. It is amazing to see them respecting humans' space. @ParveenKaswan @SanctuaryAsia @WWFINDIA @susantananda3 @NatGeoIndia pic.twitter.com/9yPM7Vvldc
— Parimal Nathwani (@mpparimal) February 3, 2020
The video, which was captured on the outskirts of the Gir Sanctuary in Gujarat, India, you can see a lioness and her 2 cubs moving away to give a biker space to pass by.
The video was shared with the caption: “This #viralvideo shows a #lioness and two cubs moving away to give way to a biker on the way to his farm near a village on the outskirts of #Gir sanctuary. It is amazing to see them respecting humans’ space.”
In the 36 second long video, a lioness can be seen coming out on a road from the inside of a jungle as her 2 small babies followed.
After some time, a farmer can be seen coming from the other direction.
The farmer stops his bike after seeing the lioness, instead of acting defensive, the lioness moves away from the road, giving way for the biker to pass by.
Susanta Nanda, an IFS officer, shared the same video after it went viral on Twitter with the caption: “Ours is a Civilized Country. So are our lions.”
The video was originally shared by MP Nathwani on February 3, 2020.
The video has over 620 likes, 202 comments, and over 6000 views.
Here are some of the comments that were left by social media users:
Watched too many videos of #Gir lions. Never seen them attacking humans, even if humans are getting real close to them with their motor bikes. Surreal behavior of Asiatic Lions.
— Ajay Malage (@BeingAjay_79) February 3, 2020
Really Civilians
— Poshak Member Secretary Cum Joint Dir of AH (@PRMadhia) February 3, 2020
By nature, human race are meant to be respected my tame and wild animals. Humans, in exchange, must equally respect the animals too.
— Josiah Ilori (@josiah_ilori) February 3, 2020
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