Village Heads In India Asks 15-Year-Old Rape Victim To Sell Her Newborn
The Muzaffarpur Police has launched an investigation against the panchayat, head of the village after they ordered a 15-year-old rape victim to sell her newborn.
Earlier this year, the minor was raped by a local Muslim cleric and was raped by an electrician in July. The 2 rapists are currently on the run.
Authorities have filed a First Information Report against the panchayat of the village.
The victim approached the local panchayat earlier this year and was asking for help to get a DNA test so she can know the father of the baby.
Instead of helping the 15-year-old, the panchayat ordered the girl to sell her newborn baby.
Jayant Kant, the Superintendent of the Police, said, “We have ordered a probe into the entire case, including allegations against the local panchayat, under additional SP (East) Amitesh Kumar. The team would intensify the search for the two accused.”
According to police reports, an FIR was lodged on July 3, 2019, against the Muslim Cleric for raping the 15-year-old girl.
The cleric reportedly gave the girl food that had sedatives and raped her afterward.
The cleric made a video of the rape and blackmailed the girl. An Electrician also got to know about the video and raped the girl.
The girl is currently pregnant and is reportedly going to give birth to the baby later this year.
The girl belongs to a poor family and said that she never got an education.