SSC LDC DEO Recruitment 2014 Notification for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam LDC Apply Online
The Government of India, in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms vide its Resolution No. 46/1(S)/74-Estt.(B) dated the 4th November, 1975 constituted a Commission called the Subordinate Services Commission which has subsequently been re-designated as Staff Selection Commission effective from the 26th September, 1977 to make recruitment to various Class III (now Group “C”) (non-technical) posts in the various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India and in Subordinate Offices.Online application on Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2014 Recruitment Alert Lower Division Clerk, Data Entry Operator Posts will be starts on 21st Nov, 2014 you have to successfully submit your application for before 2nd Dec, 2014. Please check below information for more details.
SSC Recruitments Details 2014 Details:
Name of Post:
Data Entry Operator: 1006 Posts
Lower Division Clerk: 991 Posts
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational Qualification:
Candidate should have passed 12th Standard or equivalent or higher examination from a recognized Board or University. The Candidates who have not acquired/will not acquire the educational qualification as on 01 August 2014 will not be eligible and need not apply.
Age Limit:
A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 27 years as on 01 August 2014, ( he/she must have born not earlier than 02 August 1987 and not later than 01 August 1996)
Application Fee:
- The amount of Rs 100 (One Hundred Only) will be payable as application fee.
- The candidates submitting Paper application should pay the fee by means of “Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)”only.
- The candidates submitting their applications on line should pay the requisite fee only through State Bank of India in the form of challan or through SBI Net Banking. Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe Physically Handicapped and Ex – serviceman eligible for reservation are exempted from paying fee.
Selection Procedure:
There will be written examination followed by Skill Test/Typing Test. the candidates qualifying the written examination will be eligible to appear for Skill Test/Typing Test.
How To Apply:
- All the interested candidates may apply either online or through a single paper application sent through registered post at their concerned regional SSC centre.
- The candidates who will be submitting offline application must buy the CRFS (CENTRAL RECRUITMENT FEE STAMPS) from any post office to pay the application fee and the candidates applying online may either remit he fee through challan at any core banking enabled bank of the State Bank of India, or through SBI’s net banking portal.
- For online applications, they must log on to ‘OFFICIAL SITE’ Link Provided below and the single paper applications must paste duly cancelled stamp on the application form.
Important Dates To Remember:
Commencing date for submission of Application form:19 July 2014
Part-1 Registration:Upto 14 August 2014
Part-2 Registration:-Upto 19 August 2014
Closing date for submission of Application form for remote areas:26 August 2014
Closing date for Payment through Offline Challans: 21 August 2014
Examination date:2 & 9 November 2014.
To Apply online: