SSS-NIRE Recruitment 2014 Notification For Research Posts (14 Vacancies) Apply online
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy (SSS-NIRE) Kapurthala invites application in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Senior Research Fellow (SRF) / Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) to work under the positions in “SSS-NIRE Bioenergy Promotion Fellowship” at Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy.
SSS-NIRE Recruitments 2014 Details:
Total No. of Posts – 14 posts
Name And No. of Posts:
1. PDF / SRF / JRF : 14 posts
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational Qualifications:
JRF Candidates must either have 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech. (degree in Chem. Engg., Mech. Engg., Agri. Engg., Civil Engg., Biochem. Engg., Energy Engg., Environmental and allied engineering subjects or must have 60% marks in M.Sc.( Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, microbiology and allied science subjects) and GATE/NET qualification as applicable.
SRF ME, M.Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering/Technology (Chem. Engg., Mech. Engg., Agri. Engg., Civil Engg., Biochem. Engg., Bioenergy Engg., Energy Science & Engg., Environmental Engg., etc.) with minimum 60% marks or MSc, BE, B.Tech with minimum 60% marks and at least two years of post M.Sc, BE, B.Tech, research experience as evidence from fellowship/ associateship and evidence of published papers in standard refereed journals/patents from reputed R & D or academic institution.
PDF Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree or having 3 years research, teaching and design & development experience after M.E/M.Tech. with published work in peer reviewed journals (SCI/Engg.)/patents in the field of Renewable Energy or relevant field of science and engineering.
Age Limit:
Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 28(JRF), 32(SRF), 35(PDF) Years. Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.
Selection Procedure:
All Eligible Candidates will Be Selected Based on Their Performance In Written Exam, Presentation, Interview .
Pay Scale:
Pay Scale will be around Rs. 16,000/-Per Month For Post – 1, 18,000/-Per Month For Post – 2, 22,000/-Per Month (Post – 3).
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates may apply online and send hard copy of application form to “Director, Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy” (SSS-NIRE), Jalandhar-Kapurthala Road, Wadala Kalan, Kapurthala-144601, Punjab” Candidates should send signed application attached with their CV, self-attested copies of all documents
and passport size photographs. Mention the advertisement no. 107/4/2011-NIRE/1 and name of the post applied on top of the envelope.
Important Dates To Remember:
Last Date of Application Receipt: 29-Aug-2014.
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy”
(SSS-NIRE), Jalandhar-Kapurthala Road, Wadala Kalan, Kapurthala-144601,
To Apply Online: