2 Men From Florida Tried To Get An Alligator Drunk By Pouring Beer Down Its Throat
A 27-year-old and a 22-year-old man tried to get an alligator, which was captured from the side of the road, drunk by pouring beer down its throat.
27-year-old Timothy Kepke and 22-year-old Noah Osborne did the act on the evening of August 26, 2019, in Palm City, Florida.

According to a report that was released by the police, Osborne grabbed the animal with his bare hands from the side of the road.
Kepke was bitten by the animal on his right forearm before he poured beer down its throat.
It is still not clear about how serious the injury of Kepke was.
It is also not clear about how big the alligator was.
The police arrested Kepke and Osborne on October 3, 2019, after the police saw a video of the 2 doing the act.

The video was not shared with the public by the police.
Kepke and Osborne are currently charged with unlawfully taking an alligator.
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, they received a complaint about the horrific incident earlier this year.
According to the New York Post, the investigating officers of the case got the video of the incident on September 17, 2019.
The officers then went to the house of Kepke and confronted him about the video, later on, he confessed that he was the one in the video and admitted the crime.
According to a report, Kepke told the investigating officers that Osborne caught the alligator from the side of the road with his bare hands.
Kepke then enticed it to bite him and then he decided to pour beer into the mouth of the alligator.
The act caused the alligator to move and act in an aggressive way.
Kepke said he had a number of beers when the incident happened, but he claims he wasn’t drunk when the incident happened.
Kepke and Osborne reportedly released the Alligator alive.
During the investigation, the authorities also found out that a female was also present at the spot when the incident happened.
Authorities also asked the woman about the happening, and she said the alligator bit Kepke because of what he did to it.
Kepke and Osborne were taken to the Martin County Jail with $5000 and $2500 bonds.
The 2 men were released from the county jail on the same day after getting bail.