Adorable Rescue Pitbull Is Convinced That He Is A Cat
Many people believe that Pitbulls are one of the most aggressive breeds when it comes to animals, however, that’s not true. In fact, they are one of the most gentle and playful breeds of dogs that you can get right now.
To prove that, we bring you this adorable story.
Bethany Castiller and her family decided that they wanted to add a canine member to their all cat pack, and it turned out that it was the best thing that they did.
As they went to adopt, the family found the best dog, a pitbull.
Mako, the pitbull, was the one that they were looking at. The family said that they fell in love right when the animal looked at them.
When Bethany asked one of the staff members at the animal rescue if Mako will get along with their 2 cats, Pecan and Gizmo.
The woman said that Mako gets along with them really well.
Well, that was just the start.
After adopting Mako, the family noticed something very unusual.
The family said that they believe Mako grew up with cats, this is why he has traits like cats do and avoids barking.
Instead, the dog loves to play with cats and loves to sit on elevated surfaces.
Bethany said that when Mako sees one of his feline brothers climbs on the fridge or the table, he joins them right away.
And if you are worried about the cats, you should not be. Pecan and Gizmo, the cats, are not intimidated by the identity of their brothers.
Bethany says that Pecan and Gizmo love to play with Make and they also love to look at birds through the windows of the kitchen.
What are your thoughts about this unusual link and bond? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below!