Chinese Man Beats Up Black Swan With Stick And Steals It So He Could Make Swan Soup

A man from China has been arrested by the police for stealing a black swan from a park and making a pot soup out of it.

The man reportedly did the horrible act on April 29, 2020.

It is believed that the incident came to light when a park keeper called the police saying that one of their black swans was missing.

The man, who has been identified as Wu, said that he attacked the black swan after the animal pecked him when he was teasing it with a club.

The Chinese police caught him red-handed inside his house.

He had left a half-eaten swan dish in the kitchen.

Wu was detained by the local police over his act.

The incident happened at the Cui Lake Park, which is located in Jinhua, Zhejiang province of Eastern China.

The park was home to 4 black swans for nearly 4 years.

Upon investigating, the police found Wu leaving the park in a hurry while he was holding a wooden stick and a red bag.

Wu was arrested by the police in his rented flat, where they found leftovers of the swan broth.

When he was being questioned by the police, Wu said that he was upset after being pecked by the black swan.

He admitted that he used a wooden stick to knock it out.

Talking about his dinner, Wu said:

The black swan meat wasn’t tasty, but it did smell very nice.

Wu was arrested by the police.

It is unclear if he will face any legal charges or punishments for his act.

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